План-конспект уроку з англійської мови «Sport in our life. My favorite kind of sport.» Для 6 класу

План-конспект уроку
з англійської мови
«Sport in our life. My favorite kind of sport.»
Для 6 класу



                                                        Вчитель англійської мови
                                                                       Полагейкіна Вікторія Анатоліївна

Тема уроку: Sport in our life. My favorite kind of sport.

Цілі уроку:

Практична:  повторити і закріпити  лексичні одиниці за темою уроку, вчитись їх правильно вимовляти, розвивати вміння учнів                                                                                            логічно та послідовно виксловлювати власні думки англійською мовою.
Освітня: удосконалювати навички роботи з текстом, поглиблювати знання учнів про види спорту, розвивати самостійне мислення, ініціативність, бажання до пізнання нового.
Розвиваюча: розвивати пам’ять, увагу, логічне мислення, уяву, творчість, навички вимови, читання, аудіювання, розвивати зв’язне  мовлення;
Виховна: виховувати позитивне ставлення до занять спортом та здорового способу життя, позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

Тип уроку:  підсумковий урок

Обладнання: мультимедійна установка, підручник,  презентація до уроку, картки із завданнями, текст  для аудіювання, картинки із зображенням видів спорту, таблиці.

Хід  уроку

І. Початок уроку. Введення  в іншомовну атмосферу

1.1  Привітання. Організація класу

T: Good morning, my dear pupils. I am very glad and happy to see all of you today. There are some guests at our lesson.

1.2  Повідомлення теми, мети уроку

You must arrange the letters in the right order and you’ll get the topic of our lesson “ ROPST”.
You are quite right! It’s sport.

1.3 Фонетична зарядка WARMING-UP
 Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.

Oh! Its great, and now let’sread the poem:
                            School is over - we can play
                           We can play the whole day:
                           Basketball and volleyball
                           And the boys can play football.

a)    Discussion. Бесіда за змістом вірша

Exercise «Microphone»
-         Do you like sport?
-         What is your favourite sport?
-         What kinds of sport do you know?
-         Do you like to ride a bike?
-         What summer sports do you know?
-         What winter sports do you know?
-         What sports do the boys go in for?
-         What sports do the girls go in for?
-         Which sports do you watch on TV?
-         What indoor games do you know?
-         What outdoor games do you know?
-         What sports are you good at?

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

2.1 Повторення  лексики

You must arrange the letters in the right order and you’ll get many words in our theme:
- s t e n n i – tennis
- b f l l a o o t – football
- a s k e t b a l l b – basketball
- g s w i m m i n – swimming 
- r u n i n g n – running
- x b o i n g – boxing
- w s m m i i  n g  - swimming
- e r u g i f   g n t a k s I – figure skating
-  n l c y c i g – cycling
- c h e s s – chess
- i s k n g i – skiing
And our next task :

2.2 Закріплення   лексики

-         Look at the screen we have some words with missing letter. Your task is to write the right word and name the missing letter
(sw…mming, tenni…, winds…rfing, f…tball, k…rate, a…robics, volle…ball, basketb…ll, j…do, cy…ling, s…ateboar…ing, at…letics)

Activity 1

-         Do we ‘play football’, ‘go football’ or ‘do football’? (play football). Let’s read the first explanation in the box on page 30. (We use play with the ball games).
-         Read the second explanation (We use go with sports ending in -ing).
-         Read the third explanation (We use do with other sports).
-         Look at the screen let’s divide sports into three columns
(swimming, tennis, windsurfing, football, karate, aerobics, volleyball, basketball, judo, cycling, skateboarding, athletics)

Activity 2
- Use the pictures on your tables to make sentences what sports do you and your friends like. (I like to play basketball, my friend likes to go swimming.). Use the screen to help you.
I like to (play, go, do)
My friend likes to (play,go,do)
2.3 Граматика
Activity 3.
Grammar lab: modal verbs
Can/could – to be able to do something
Must/have to / had to – was, were able to do something

Activity 4.
-Also we have to know how to make sentences. Read and complete the sentences. Fill in the modal verbs in the correct tense form. There are positive and negative sentences.
1. ......I take part in the contest tomorrow?
2. I ..... swim a year ago, but now I .......
3. Their son ...... walk when he was one year old.
4. You .......train hard if you want to win the competition.
5. I have broken my leg and ..... miss my trainings.
6. They ......go to the basketball competition yesterday.
7. Sue .....practise a lot. She hasn’t attended the sports club during the last week.  
2.4 Фізхвилинка
- We are not only do sports after the lessons we also can do some exercises in the class. Lets sing a song and dance:
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes, and ears, and mouth,
And nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And etc.

2.5 Робота з текстом
А) Перед-текстове завдання
Read and say why it is important to go in for sport
b) While-reading activities ex. 3, p.79

с)Після-текстове завдання

Choose true or false sentences

People all over the world are fond of sports and games.

The most popular winter sports are cycling and swimming.

Athletics, aerobics, gymnastics enjoy popularity among boys

The most popular summer sports are swimming, sailing, cycling.

Children like to attend sports clubs and train in the gym.

 2.6. Listening.  (Sport plays a big role in our life.)
Sport plays a big role in our life. Many people do sport in our country. They want to stay healthy. Sport is a good mean of struggling with stress.
In my opinion sport is important for healthy free time. Sport also makes people strong and prepares a lot of joy.
Some people participate in sports, others prefer watching them on TV. It is known that walking for an hour is healthier than irregular participation in any active physical activities. To keep fit some people join special classes or take part in aerobics or yoga, do some kind of training in a gym. Others play football, badminton, volleyball, tennis.

А) Завдання після  прослуховування тексту.
T: complete the sentences:
1.     Many people do sport in…… (our country).
2.     They want to stay…….(healthy).
3.     Some people participate in sports, others prefer………(watching them on TV.)
4.     Others play…….(football, badminton, volleyball, tennis).

2.7.  Speaking.
T: Look at the screen. How do you think  is sport very important in our life or not?
                   Cons                                                             Pros
-         Great way to exercise                                   -Make injuries
-         Have fun with friends                                   -Make hurt
-         Keep fit                                                         – Its dangerous
-         Express yourself                                           – Its difficult
Develop stamina                                           – Its take much time

  T: Express your ideas.

2.8 Project work.
T: Now I will give you shirts of paper you should to draw about  your favorite kinds of sport some pictures and write a logo.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

3.1 Оцінювання

3.2 Домашнє завдання
Your hometask will be to make a report «My favourite sport»

3.3 Підведення підсумків
- Now let’s summarize the results of our lesson. The winner of today’s lesson is …
 We continue to do a project on the next lessons.
- Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye.


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